A selection of scientific publications written by Center for Disaster Resilient Communities-affiliated researchers include:
- November 11, 2024 – Opportunities for Implementation of Disaster Risk Management Strategies among Public Housing Authorities – Journal of Planning Education and Research
- October 24, 2024, Integrating climate change into state hazard mitigation plans: A five-year follow-up survey of state hazard mitigation officers, PLOS Climate
- August 20, 2024, The whole community? Assessing FEMA’s inclusion of Tribal governments in hazard mitigation efforts, PLOS Climate
- August 14, 2024, Uncovering effects of climate-sensitive health risks on historically marginalized youth in Washington State: creating opportunities for maximum involvement, Environmental Research: Health
- June 15, 2024, Coastal emergency managers’ risk perception and decision making for the Tonga distant tsunami, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
- June 6, 2024, Evaluating an equity-focused approach to assess climate resilience and disaster priorities through a community survey, PLOS One
- April 15, 2024, Bridging underrepresented disaster scholars and national science foundation-funded resources, Natural Hazards
- November 2023, Assessing the roles and responsibilities of public housing authorities in state-level disaster plans, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
- January 12, 2023, Leveraging University of Washington RAPID Facility Resources to Support Social Science Extreme Event and Reconnaissance Research, 103rd AMS Annual Meeting
- September 18, 2022, Building Capacity for Disaster Research Response (DR2): Lessons, Tools and Resources from the University of Washington – National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences DR2 Workshop, ISEE Conference Abstracts